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March 22, 2006


Small as Rhode Island is, some of us live 45 minutes from the coast.
We stock up at the fish markets in Gallilee, where the fish comes right off the boat.
Other times we go to the Wakefield Fish Market on Main St.,which, according to locals is the best around. Both places give bags of ice to pack around the fish for the journey home. We freeze most of it..except for that day's feast!

I put some flash frozen Cod fillets from my freeze to my refridgerator on 4/13/2007.
It has been in the frig. Is it safe to use if I cook it today,4/16/2007?

JoAnn, open the package and smell the fish. It will probably be watery from the defrosting, but if you've kept it quite cold, it might still be OK. Generally, I wouldn't defrost three days ahead; try to do it closer to when you plan to cook.

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