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April 16, 2006


Oh so tasty! I think the whole "stew-like" quality of tagine cookery lends itself to a relaxed style when creating a meal. I am thinking of using the tagine to do some lamb. Maybe with prunes, maybe with green olives? Any suggestions would be welcome!

Cooking Moroccan, by Tess Mallos (my recommended book of the week), has recipes for lamb tagines with dates, with raisins, and with prunes, so I think you're on the right track. There's also an intriguing lamb tagine with sweet tomato jam, and a lamb tagine with quince. The one that really sounds like spring, though, is lamb tagine with peas and lemons. I'm happy to share any of these recipes!

What else can one cook in a tagine?

I'm thinking this could be used like a slow cooker or dutch oven for anything you might want to do in the "slow and low" style of cooking. I'm going to try a roast in my tagine this weekend. Hoping the slow-sweaty-low heat method will keep the meat nice and moist while infusing some awsome flavor. (I'm going to be using a venison roast - which is dangerously lean - so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will give it lots of taste without turning it into a pot roast or adding strips of bacon to the too of it....)

Angeline, please let us know how the venison roast turns out. Are you going to use something sweet with it? Prunes, or maybe dried cherries, might be nice.

The pot roast was perfect in the tagine! I was able to reduce the amount liquid I used (just a little vino) and didn't bother to go in and turn it... just put it in the oven and let it go.

I just reduced the sauce a little on the stove top after it was out of the oven and it was great!

Glad to hear that the roast turned out well in the oven.

We tried a chicken recipe this weekend in a cast iron base tagine with a stoneware lid, slow cooked over a low flame on the stove top. The chicken was so moist and tender!

A few follow up questions if you don't mind, Angeline. For your roast, what temp was the oven set at. Did you pre-heat the oven. How long did you roast the venison for and how much did it weigh. Was the size of the tagine adequate?

And finally, do you feel that the outcome of cooking the roast in the oven was more or less desirable than cooking the same meal on a stove top over a low flame with diffuser?


I made Morroccan chicken with preserved lemons. It was good but I think my lemons were too salty. How much salt should I use for six lemons?? Also, there was a comment about using the whole lemon vs just the rind. Next time I'm going to use just the rind because I didn't like the mushy texture of the whole lemon.

Pauline, most recipes call for just using the rind of the preserved lemon, not the pulp (which I think gets mushy and bitter). Did you rinse the lemons before using in your recipe? Usually that's a good idea.

Hi ,

I wanted to do some tagine cooking , I bought a ceramic tagine which can only be used in the oven . What temperature and time do you suggest for roasting meat in the oven.

Paul, I'd use a fairly low temperature, maybe 325°F, and be sure to have a bit of liquid in the tagine. What kind of meat are you planning to roast?

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