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June 12, 2006


OK I've read the article twice and I'm still not sure what we are doing. I'll just hang in there and see what materializes.

That's how I feel when I'm reading this cookbook – not quite sure how the recipes should taste, but willing to hang in there. Noodle soup, grilled beef, zukes and some sauces – that's the menu I'm working on. Not for September, because the group expressed interest in African cooking, but for a future cooking session. Hang in there!

I visited Argentina 15 years ago and my two major food memories are MEAT and MEAT. Actually it was amazing - lots and lots of wonderful fire roasted goat, beef, and lamb. Plus some wonderful wines and great music. I know a lot less about food then, but the whole culture (art, food, buildings, people, etc.) seemed like a fantastic blend of the Latin and the European.

Bev, from the Wednesday Lunch Group, just brought me a cookbook this week from Peru. If Argentinian food is meat and meat, Peruvian cooking is potatoes and potatoes. I'm looking forward to exploring the chimichurri variations, which were always so wonderful at the Argentinian grill restaurant we used to frequent in Cambridge.

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