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September 05, 2006


The menu looks organized, but the shopping list?????

Pauline, the shopping list is coming by email. Nothing scary or hard to find!

Oh yum! I have wonderful memories of a similar dish I ate in Senegal years ago. Food is such a great way to build community. Years ago in Cambridge I frequented an Ethiopian restaraunt where they featured a huge buckwheat pancake/crepe that you used to scoop up the food. The flavors are magic, but so is the coming together over the common plate.

Jessica, please tell us more about your food experiences in Senegal. Were you staying with families, traveling with a group, student, etc.? It is definitely the "common plate" that drew me to this menu.

Injera -- that's the Ethiopian bread, made from teff flour. There's a market in Boston's South End where you can buy it. A bit sour (to me), but I find that whole wheat tortillas or lavash make a reasonable substitute.

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